Friends and Family Test


The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. It asks people if they would recommend the services they have used and offers a range of responses. When combined with supplementary follow-up questions, the FFT provides a mechanism to highlight both good and poor patient experience. This kind of feedback is vital in transforming NHS services and supporting patient choice.

The feedback Dr Jude's practice gathers through the FFT will be used in NHS organisations across the country to stimulate local improvement and empower staff to carry out the sorts of changes that make a real difference to our patients and their care.  While the results will not be statistically comparable against other organisations because of the various data collection methods, FFT will continue to provide a broad measure of patient experience that can be used alongside other data to inform service improvement and patient choice. The results of the FFT will published at monthly intervals on both NHS England and NHS Choices websites.

Please click here to download the FFT questionnaire.  Once completed, please give this to your practice reception team when you are next visiting the practice.